Friday, February 27, 2009


My high school asked me to come back to teach cheerleading clinics, which is big because they always have some college cheerleaders to do it and they picked me. In order to do this I have to come prepared. That means I have to bring a cheer and motion to teach. I also have to bring a dance with music, ready to teach. My cheer has to catch the crowds attention. That's the entire purpose of a cheer: First, to get the attention of the crowd, and second, to motivate them. You do this by creating words that the crowd can go along with and scream loud. School spirit is what you need!

Example chant:

Hey all you hornet fans,

Lets go clap you hands.

( X. X. X.X. X. X)


This will get the students involved and get the team pumped!

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot to do. You'll make up good dances. I know how cheerleading is and i know that cheerleading is very competitional. You try to compete with everybody. Just pick a song and just start dancing. Thats how we did it in cheerleading
